Kambo is a traditional medicine used by many of the tribes of the Amazon rain forest. Kambo promotes the understanding of our feelings; by bringing up that which we have suppressed and long since forgotten. By removing these impurities, the remnants of unprocessed and unhealthy feelings from the past, we reveal layer by layer our authentic-self. - Wolf Jowers, International Master KAMBÔ Practitioner
What does the process of Kambo look like?
- The ultimate goal of working with Kambo is to achieve "healing" and '"cleansing"' of the emotional, spiritual, and mental body. A Kambo Ceremony in general starts with drinking around 1 liter of water prior to ceremony and shortly after the Kambo practitioner, creates a number of small burns via an incense stick, for your first sitting it is traditionally at the ankle for women and the upper arm for men.
-After scraping away the blister skin, the secretion is applied on the wound, and reaches the lymphatic system and quickly the bloodstream. The first symptoms you'll experience are a rush of heat, redness of the face, and quickly emerging nausea and vomiting. During this process you will also drink another 1 liter of water. Basically, the entire picture after the application can consist of suddenly feeling of warmth, palpitations, rapid pulse, flushed red skin, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, runny nose and tears, swollen lips, eyelids or face. In general, the duration of the entire symptom-process is over after 40 mins when the medicine is removed.
What can Kambo do for you?
- Kambo has been known as the great revealer, it has the ability to work around mental and emotional blocks. These blockages within our systems keep us rooted into behavioral patterns and stuck in old unprocessed emotions.
- Emotional blocks can lead to unknown illness and disease. Kambo does its magic by allowing you the space to release viscerally by purging all blocked, stuck, heavy energy within the body.